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CO-PARTICIPATION is a working with co-workers, or workers in the field of service around Earth, anticipating change also. This is what PARTICIPATION means, actually changing the currents of life. It is a life force, TRUTH only. CO-PARTICIPATION is an effort to create GOD’S aspect within this world of PEACE. It leads to PEACE unaltered, the TRUTH of the vibration of LIGHT stemming from GRACE.

GRACE is an especially important word. FORGIVENESS and PEACE describe GRACE, rising to the challenges within self, going beyond those challenges.

The TOWER OF STRENGTH is what we call resistless, beyond resistances of emotions, discord, pain released also, completely beyond self, the TOWER OF STRENGTH for all. With the individual practice of LIGHT experienced, one can be beyond fear in recognition of TRUTH. It is of the Highest, as release of fear, as to what actually IS. Think on these things.

There is the release process, bringing stages of LIGHT through. This is the CHRYSALIS action deemed necessary, growing from one stage to the other, protectively encased in GOD’S LOVE, meaning you are protected by CHRIST’S energy, necessarily releasing before each stage is completed, a release process continually unfolding, further and further into GOD’S reaches, not ours or extending our vibrations beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Through the release process, discord is released in the Inner Dimensions by GRAVITATIONAL PULL. The TRUTH about GRAVITATION is that it brings instant release. This release process continues with each individual.

A CULMINATION POINT in History is a meeting ground with various groups of people interpreting cause and reaction, an interference, a meeting of minds. But it means more than that, resistless as TOWERS OF STRENGTH, they come charged with electricity as LIGHT BEACONS. It is TRUTH extended; they command counterforces as actually moving away. It is inter-responsibility for Planetary building action beyond interference. That is the goal to be reached in this lifetime.

A CULMINATING EFFECT means a gathering of the races of man, all as one. The CULMINATING FORCE moving through the Planet, which is GOD’S Word. This accelerating time bringing tumult to be left behind, so now we have diversity and it creates reactions to pain. Then there will only be the stillness and the peacemakers or those bringing PEACE around Earth. This is a New Age term meaning concise, drawn together, one part of the plan unfolding through only. It is not an allness and sameness, it is just a core of repetitive cycling patterns, being broken to regain STRENGTH. It is like a turning point, a CULMINATING PATH, going on to something else again. It is a meeting ground for all. This CULMINATING ACTIVITY can come while you are in a vibration of great STRENGTH, and only then can it come through the minds of man. We work with the minds of man continuously, beyond objectivity and TRUTH, we bring the spiritual essence of TRUTH forward, beyond mental images of past. We bring together PEACE at all levels of being.

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